Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to Prevent Dishonesty to Take Place in Your Relationship

Honesty is one of the most important foundations in every relationship, whether it’s between friends, family, and most especially lovers. If one of the parties is not honest, you cannot expect the relationship to last longer. So find out the tips on how to get rid of dishonesty in your relationship, before everything gets ruined.

Be Open to Communication

The most effective way to prevent dishonesty in a relationship is to communicate with your loved ones at all times. Make it a point to talk to your partner every day, and share to each other all the things that has happened in your day to day life. Even though you two are in a long distance setup, you can still prevent dishonesty if you just make sure that you communicate with each other day by day.

Do Not Be Judgmental

Avoid being too judgmental if you do not want your partner to be lying to you. Sometimes we tend to be judgmental and often accuse our partner of doing something that is not even true at all. If you always do this, there will be a big chance that your partner will be dishonest to you since he does not want any arguments to happen.

Express Your Feelings

If you have a feeling that something bad is happening in the relationship, then be brave enough to face your partner and express what you feel. It is best that you deal with the issue right away by being open to your partner about what you feel. If you suspect him to be cheating on you, then tell him frankly so you can sort things out as early as possible, and avoid any deceit or dishonesty to happen. Remember to keep cool and remain calm all throughout and make sure that you listen well to your partner.

Say Sorry

If you realize that you did something against your partner, then be quick to apologize before everything gets worse. If you have told him lies to cover up something, then say sorry for doing such even if it is just “white lie”. Remember the saying that you should not be doing to others what you do not want them to be doing towards you.

Show Your Love

So your partner will not be lying to you, let him feel how special he is to you by showing him that you truly love him. Some people who are truly loved by their partners are afraid to lie, because they would feel guilty every time they are being dishonest. So even if you are too busy at work every day, allot some of your time to cook for your partner or offer massages before you go to sleep.

No one is perfect in this world, and no relationship is perfect either. But despite of your shortcomings and no matter how imperfect you are, you can still make your relationship to work if you remain honest towards each other. So in all the things that you do every day, remember to be honest and be faithful to your partner. More on preserving long lasted relationship on marriage advice.